Here is where I get to bring up important topics. Aside from God and family, the work of the church is the most important factor in my life.
- The Dangerous
Cult of King James Olyism
- Against Limited
Atonement: Why Jesus Died for Everyone
- People
Are Not Basically Good
- Heard
and Understood: One of God's Healing Techniques
- Why the
Perpetual Virginity of Mary Makes No Sense
- The Leaven of the
Independent "Fundamental" Baptists
- Do I
Believe in Predestination?
- The Numbers 5 Jealousy Ritual is Not an Abortion
- Reform the
- Why Not
All Church Musicians Get Paid
- On Yoga
- Worship
Leader Blog: anonymous blog on my experience in my first job
- Bad Advice from a
Pastor: commentary on Jake Goslin's interview
- To The
Random Street Preacher
- Vaccines and
- My experience with Bad Churches
- Let Them Eat Cake
- My Review of
- The Get Off My Lawn Worship Committee
- On Hosea
- On Worship
- Self-Affirmations vs Biblical Self-Esteem
- My Music Minister / Worship Leader Resume
- On Sex Addiction
- On Suicide and the Church (in memory of Jarrid Wilson)
- Is God Attracted to Weakness?
- Research: Christians who suffered
ridicule in high school for their faith